
レアジョブで働く6850人の皆さんへ / To all of the 6850 people working at RareJob group.

株式会社レアジョブ 代表取締役社長 中村 岳

English version is below.








<創業当時の写真 フィリピン>

















As we issued a press release, RareJob,Inc. has recently changed its market from Mothers to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
We satisfied requirements to change the market such as the number of shareholders and market capitalization, and successfully became a listed company at the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
As the CEO’s comments for investors and other stakeholders will be covered in a number of media, I want to tell you how I am feeling and what I am thinking as a “single person”.

“Do you all know the “”true”” origin of the corporate name “”RareJob””?”
In fact, RareJob was not started as a company for online English tutorial, but was founded with the aim of connecting individuals with Kato, the founder.
So I named it RareJob in the sense of providing “rare” “jobs”.
It’s straightforward.

The next business we launched was online Chinese tutorial, because we don’t have much skill in the human resources business.
I happened to have a Chinese person who could help me, so I tried to start, but in the end, this also did not work out well.
Through various failures and pivots, we have targeted a business model of online English tutorial based in the Philippines.
In a way that focuses on it, RareJob has grown a little by little.

<創業当時の写真 フィリピン>

Of course, there were various difficulties in accelerating the business of online English tutorial, and we failed many times and continued to overcome it and reach today.

Now, when I look back on the path I’ve taken so far and ask myself, “Was it hard?” I don’t feel that way.
Most attempts failed, but it was always enjoyable to find “good possibilities” in them.
We have repeatedly conducted various trials and errors as I thought, “I am able to do this,” “I think there is a possibility of this,” and “I wonder if this would be interesting.”
I think I’ve been excited ever since the company was founded.
And even now that RareJob is listed at the first section of TSE, it does not change at all.
This is my honest feelings at the moment.

RareJob will continue to make its online English tutorial business base more robust, at the same time expand the business domain to English conversation + αarea, leveraging the know-how and vast amounts of data it has gained.
As you know, we are proceeding with a variety of projects, including speaking skills measurement system using AI, career development service using English, and training business of global leaders.
RareJob will become a company that answers not only the question “How can you speak English?” but also the question “How can you use English and what you accomplish?”
In addition, RareJob invests in a variety of startups outside Japan.
We fund companies with English-related and interesting products in India, Thailand, and elsewhere.
Although it is not easy for Japanese companies to achieve good results with foreign companies, I feel that RareJob is a company that can do so.

I feel that it is necessary to further tighten my mind as the CEO, as social responsibilities become even larger as listed company at the First Section of TSE.
On the other hand, I am still working with the feeling of fulfillment when I set up an office in the Philippines without anything.
What does your job at RareJob mean to you? If it’s something that makes you feel excited, there’s no more pleasure than that.


11月20日、東証一部上場への市場変更の記念として、フィリピン、シンガポール、日本の子会社含む全てのグループにて記念セレモニーをオンラインで実施いたしました。特注した鐘をみんなで鳴らしました。Celebration ceremony for getting listed on 1st section of TSE with all of RrareJob group Members.